About The Workshop

Assalammualaikum wrb. Once again, the June School Holiday is back! Alhamdulillah, it also coincides with the blessed month of Ramadan, also known as the 'Month Of Al-Quran'.
Dear parents, wouldn't it be a perfect time for your child to learn and understand more about The Qur'an apart from knowing how to recite?
Imagine...if your child is able to:
1) Discover and appreciate the 1st revelation of The Qur'an - When, Where, Who, How, What?
2) Understand which Surah was the first to be revealed and its significance
3) Translate and explain the meanings in Surah Al-Fateha ( The Opening) the easiest way possible, InsyaAllah!
4) Recite Surah Al-Fateha the correct way, avoiding the most common mistakes!
5) Understand the stories and revelation behind Surah AL-Ikhlas, An-Naas & Al-Falaq
6) Learn some brief daily supplications (du'a)
7) Learn the etiquette (Adab) of reciting the Qur'an
8) Grasp the learning values behind every Surah that will be covered
9) Understand and Appreciate the significance of Ramadhan - BONUS TOPIC FOR RAMADHAN!
**Note: Zuhur prayer will be done in congregation, as a class. First time for your child? No worries, we will cover the essential aspects of Salah to enable them to understand better, prior to performing it.
Yes! These are the valuable knowledge that your child will gain in just 6 hours!
The above may look & sound simple to you but for your child to attain all those at a young age is one of the greatest achievement a parent could do for their biggest Amanah that Allah has blessed you with, InsyaAllah!
''How Will This Workshop Benefit My Child?''
- Stimulates their interest in learning The Book Of Allah -Qur'an
- Stop the perception that learning Qur'an is ''Boring'' & ''Difficult''
- Gives them a solid foundation of understanding the history of Qur'an
- Totally different experience and feeling for them when performing Salah
- Instill the habit of making The Qur'an as their manual of life
Workshop Details
- Commencement dates : (It will be a One Full Day Programme, Choose only ONE date):
- Time & Duration - 9am to 3pm (6 Hours)
- Age: 7 to 12 years old
- NO NEED to have background in Islamic Studies or Quranic Recitation
- Language Of Instruction: English
- Fees: $75 per child or $70/child (2 or more children)
- Venue: Blk 483 Pasir Ris Drive 4 #B1-477 Singapore 510483 - Getting there
- Teacher: Ustazah Nur Farhana - Read more
What Parents Have Said About Our Previous Programs...

Now its YOUR turn to let your little ones experience themselves!
Prophet Muhammad (May peace & blessings be upon him said): 'When a man dies, his deeds come to an end except for three things: Sadaqah Jariyah (ceaseless charity); knowledge which is beneficial; or a virtuous descendant who prays for him (the deceased).' [Sahih Muslim]